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Spelling and Grammar

At Leatherhead Trinity we teach spelling and grammar as part of the literacy learning journeys. Lessons start with grammar or spelling starters that link in with the skills children need to learn. We also teach separate spelling lessons for 15 minutes five times a week. This is an opportunity for the spelling rules to be unpicked and covered in more detail. 

Within the curriculum, there are statutory spelling lists of words that each year group needs to practice and learn.  You will find them at the bottom of this page.

Grammar has a high profile in the curriculum and you will find the expectations for each year group in the document at the bottom of this page.

Every child in KS2 has their own personal log in for Spelling Shed. Through a games based approach, children can practise their spellings in a fun and interactive way.  We use Spelling Shed in class and as part of our home learning.

Spelling Shed- this is the link to the online spelling resource for Y2-6.

We also subscribe to which is a website that allows children to complete quizzes that cover the areas of SPaG required for their particular year group.