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Reception 2024 Intake

We are delighted that your child has been offered a place at Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery in our September 2024 Reception cohort. If you haven’t done so already, please remember to formally accept your place through Surrey County Council.

As Leatherhead Trinity’s Headteacher, I am privileged to work with a committed and enthusiastic staff team who will do everything they can to make your child’s transition to school a success.  I am looking forward to meeting all new pupils and their parents and carers over the coming months.

We believe that the best way to support students in fulfilling their potential is for the school and parents and carers to work closely together.  For new families, we hope this will be the beginning of a very happy and successful relationship. Please see below information which will guide you on our reception intake.  

If you do not already receive our weekly newsletter which highlights all of the exciting activities that are taking place at Leatherhead Trinity School and Nursery, and would like to, then please email my PA, Nicola Warrilow on . You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

If you have any questions at this point then please contact the school office on 01372 813615.



 The School Day

Our school day runs from 8.50am to 3.20pm. Reception classes have a separate entrance to their classes which you can enter through the gate on the right-hand side of the school as you walk up the hill. Our school day runs from 8.50am to 3.20pm with the classroom doors opening from 8.40am ensuring the children are ready to start their day from 8.50am.

 Key Dates:

 Stay and Play Sessions

We would like to invite you to join us at our two Reception Parents ‘stay and play’ sessions and information sessions. The children will be introduced to the teaching team and environment. It will also be an opportunity for you to meet with our Reception staff, our Early Years Leader and a member of our Senior Leadership Team.  The session will include information on how we can make the transition to school as smooth as possible for you and your child.  You will receive your information pack at the first session, which we would like you to complete and return at the second information session.  We are also required to see proof of your child’s date of birth so please bring along your child’s passport or birth certificate to one of the sessions.

Tuesday 18th June 2 – 2.45pm

Thursday 20th June  2- 2.45pm

We ask that you attend both sessions if possible. If you cannot attend either of these sessions, please call the school office on 01372 813 615 or email to inform us. 

1:1 Parent Sessions

We will be holding 1:1 parent session on Wednesday 04th September. The sign-up sheets for these will be available at the ‘stay and play’ sessions. If your child currently attends our Nursery, you will not need a parent meeting unless you want to attend one.

Starting School

School will start for Reception children on 05th and 06th  of September with half day sessions. All children will be put into 2 groups and attend a morning session on one day and an afternoon session on the other. You will be told your class and group at the stay and play sessions.  Please see timetable below for all details:

Transition Session


Thursday 05/09/24

Group A 9am – 11.30am


Group B 1pm – 3.20pm

Friday 06/09/24

Group B 9am – 11.30am


Group A 1pm – 3.20pm


 Week commencing 09/09/2024 – children will start full days 8.50am -3.20pm

The Reception Environment - A Video Tour


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