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News and Messages

Just a couple of reminders:


At present, PE is on a Tuesday and a Friday, when Year 4 go swimming.  Please make sure that your child comes to school in their PE kit on both of these days. Our PE kit consists of red shorts and a white or red t-shirt. For outside PE, it is suggested they have trainers and black tracksuit bottoms, a hoodie or school fleece jacket. All of these are available from the school suppliers. For more information please contact the school office.

For swimming, please ensure that children come into school already with their swimming kit underneath their clothes. This speeds up the process of getting changed, giving them more time to swim. They must also have a swimming hat and towel. 

PE is an important part of the curriculum and if there is any reason why your child cannot take part in a PE lesson please inform us in writing.

Lunch boxes

Should be brought to school in a suitable, named container. Please ensure that your child has a healthy packed lunch. Lunches should not be brought into school in a carrier bag.


Your child can bring a healthy snack (e.g. a piece of fruit or cheese) for break time but please can you pack this separately from their packed lunch as snacks are kept in the classroom. No sweets, crisps or biscuits are allowed. Please can we remind you that no nuts are to be included in any snacks or lunches.

Your child should also have a water bottle in school which we would like them to take home daily to wash and refill.

How can we help?

If you have concerns about your child or would like to discuss how you can support your child’s learning at home, please make an appointment to see us through the school office.

Please, whenever you can, have a conversation with your child about school. By sharing they can learn by teaching you about all the skills and knowledge they are gathering.