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Home Learning


Home learning is given out every Friday and due in the following Wednesday.

Reading records need to be handed in every Thursday to be checked.

For home learning, year 6 children are expected to:

  1. Read at least 5 times a week.
  2. Practise their weekly spellings ready to be tested on Friday morning.
  3. Spend some time practising their times tables using 'Times Table Rockstars.'
  4. Complete a literacy task- alternating each week between either a reading task or a SPaG task.
  5. Complete a numeracy task to revise either a previous topic or learning they have recently covered as part of their current unit.


Book sorter  Use the book sorter to choose the different types of books you enjoy reading. Put them in the 'book sorter' and get recommendations from children your age.


Spelling Frame- Year 5 and 6 spelling rules Use the website to practise the spelling rules we cover in school.


Spelling Shed

Times Tables 

Times Tables Rock Stars 

If you have lost your login details, please ask your class teacher to give them to you again.