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Forest School

Forest School at Leatherhead Trinity School

At our school we have staff who are fully qualified Level 3 Forest School Leaders. Their course involved practical skills sessions, written work and assessment, which now enables them to deliver inspirational Forest School sessions to children in natural outdoor environments within the school grounds.

What is Forest School?

Forest School is outdoor education in which children are given opportunities to learn and be inspired by the natural environment through hands-on experience. During forest school sessions, children are encouraged and supported in activities that focus on raising self-esteem and independence; this is achieved by allowing children freedom to explore, investigate and discover what the natural environment has to offer. Each Forest School session is planned and linked to the National Curriculum to ensure children continue to access vital areas of learning.

How does Forest School work?

Class teachers will meet with Forest School staff to talk about how forest school can enhance the national curriculum. Recently Years 1 & 2 have been learning about what animals need to survive and they have had some exciting forest school lessons linked to this. 

Forest School can also be run as an intervention for small groups of children. 

What if it is raining?

At Forest School rain is good! Some of our sessions have been spent with children jumping in puddles and rolling in mud, therefore the right clothing is crucial! Waterproofs, suitable footwear (walking boots or wellingtons) and warm clothing are essential to ensure your child is able to participate fully regardless of the weather!! Only in severe weather such as storms or strong winds will a Forest School session be cancelled.

What are the benefits of Forest School?

Being outside, no matter what the weather, is a healthy option, breathing in that healthy fresh air. Every child learns in a different way. Forest School caters for this. Every activity involves listening, watching and doing. The sessions are always practical, and every child becomes fully involved. No child is excluded from Forest School. A session can be adapted accordingly depending on age, abilities and any special needs.

The sessions build children’s confidence and self-esteem. The children are proud of what they have made and are able to use tools they may not usually use, and they engage in activities they may not usually have a chance to do.  This in turn helps encourage healthy independence.

They learn good communication skills. The children are encouraged to ask questions and talk to their partners or their group politely and with encouragement. Some of the activities require the child to talk to the whole group about what they have made. All good skills to learn and take on to adulthood.

Is it Safe?

At Forest School, safety is paramount. Forest school is run by fully qualified and first-aid trained staff who have safety procedures and policies in place to ensure all risks are recognised and reduced. Staff are equipped with an emergency kit bag for every session.

Forest School sessions are delivered in a way in which they are inclusive and accessible to all regardless of a child's needs or abilities. However, although Forest School allows children the freedom to be individuals and learn in their own way, there are strict rules in regard to behaviour to ensure children's safety is not jeopardised.