Chrisitian Distinctiveness
Our Christian Values
Our over-arching Christian statement is
'We are all loved by God and show respect'
Our 'Christian Values' are
Respect, Love, Truth, Forgiveness and Commitment.
Each class displays these values and teachers and children often refer to them throughout the day.
Certificates are awarded to a child from each class who is noticed displaying these values.
The whole class has an input on nominating who might get the certificate.
Collective Worship
We hold Collective Worship every day. These are led by members of Senior Leadership Team, staff, visitors, Clergy and children. Each class has a designated time for presenting their own assembly to the rest of the school and parents. There is a Christian element to all worship; covering our Christian Values (Respect, Love, Truth, Forgiveness and Commitment.) There is time for prayer and reflection and an opportunity to sing. Some assemblies are for the whole school, others are divided into KS1 and KS2. There are also half termly house assemblies.
Each Friday there is a 'Celebration Assembly' where children are awarded certificates for their achievement. The certificates are awarded for demonstrating our 'Christian Values' and our 'Learning Behaviours' on alternating weeks.
There is an opportunity for Year 6 children to be pro-actively involved in delivering collective worship through putting out chairs, setting up the music, song and smartboard as well as choosing and reading prayers.
Church Links
Leatherhead Trinity School has links with 3 churches:
The United Reformed Church, Leatherhead - Lynda Russell (Minister)
Leatherhead Methodist Church - Lynda Russell (Minister)
St Mary's and St Nicholas Parish Church (Anglican) - Rev. Graham Osborne (Vicar)
The children visit one of these churches at the end of each term and help to lead the church service.
Parents and friends are invited to attend. Children have the opportunity to enjoy collective worship led by a supportive team from the churches.
Rev. Osborne and Lynda Russell lead collective worship at school each month.
The School also has links with B Free, and members of their youth team come into school to lead collectives worship.
Hannah Muclock is a church family link worker who also comes into school to work with groups of children and take collective worship.
Class Spiritual Areas
Each class displays copies of The Lord's Prayer and a prayer which is said before lunchtime.
Occasionally teachers will lead class assemblies in their rooms.
Each class has a basket of pebbles which the children use for reflection/prayer activities.