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Our Learning


Read, Write, Inc.

Some children will continue to have a daily Literacy RWI session where they are taught in a group matched to their ability. They are regularly introduced to a new sound and encouraged to read and write words with that sound, by blending e.g      b oa t       s t r i ng.

They read a book matched to their ability and complete writing tasks.  The children become confident with blending sounds and are encouraged to challenge themselves by improving their written work by extending their sentences; writing for a range of purposes and including a range of punctuation.


All the pupils will have a daily literacy lesson where they are taught to develop their reading and writing skills through exploring a range of literacy genres; e.g. story- writing, recounts, non-fiction, instruction writing and poetry.

During these sessions the children will also recap their phonics, learn spelling rules and practice their handwriting skills.



In Year 2 the children have daily numeracy lessons and mental maths sessions. The children are expected to learn their number bonds and 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Support at home is extremely important in helping the children achieve good results and progress. It is also important that children practise their key skills at home (e.g. number bonds,times tables and counting forwards and backwards). These activities will help to develop their skills and understanding.

Below are a list of some of the topics we will cover:

  • Numbers: place value, partitioning, comparing and ordering.
  • The four operations (e.g. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
  • 3D and 2D Shape
  • Reading scales
  • Measures – including capacity, mass, length and time
  • Statistics – drawing and interpreting graphs

Below is some additional information